Hi! I’m Lusanna the owner of Meg + Me Boutique + Espresso under the Port Pacific Resort.
I haven’t always called this stunning town home though.
You see I’m originally a Hobart girl but together with my husband Ant, who runs our onsite espresso bar, we have lived in Port now for 12 years.
The story of how I came to own Meg + Me is a somewhat funny, truly “Port” tale, let me fill you in. Way back in 2010 I suggested to Ant that we hit the “Mainland” as Tasmanians call the Big Island, for 12 months. “Let’s just expand our horizons and see the country for a while” I thought, and then we can slot back into life back home in Tassie, refreshed after our big trip.
The only problem was the minute Ant stepped out of the car at Lighthouse Beach, I saw him grow roots.
“What have I done” I thought to myself, “this guy is never going to want to leave here!” And true enough, within 10 minutes of arriving Ant had lined himself up a dream job as a Barista and I could see the writing on the wall; Port was going to become our home.
I fought the transition to Port Macquarie for a while, and after a few casual positions here and there I found myself chatting to the then owner of Meg + Me which was located under Rydges at the time.
I was trying to secure a couple of casual days work, but that’s not how things turned out. “Unfortunately I don’t have any work I can offer you” I’m told, “but I am thinking of selling the business, and I can tell you’d be perfect for it!”
Wow - that was not what I was expecting.
Going home and giving Ant the news that I didn’t get the job, but I might buy the business was strange and unexpected by both of us to say the least! Fast forward to 2022 and we have just celebrated our biggest achievement yet - 10 years in business!
When I think of where Meg + Me started to where it is today, we really have come a long way and have definitely made Port Macquarie and this fabulous community our home. Now, let me tell you a little about Meg + Me, the business.
When I arrived here Port seemed like it was going through a bit of a transition. So many of my customers shared with me the good old days when Port was full of independently owned fashion boutiques and lamented that many had closed down over the past few years. It was clear that I had to take this business and fill that need.
Over the years we have established Meg + Me as the “Go To” boutique for anyone looking for something different, perhaps a special piece that will give you joy for many years to come.
We aren’t fast fashion and we aren’t the place to find all the latest trends, but we are here for you. I have always described a retail therapy experience at Meg + Me to be like going shopping with your most stylish friend, one who supports your individuality and knows that not everyone wants to end up looking the same as everyone else, especially when that trend just doesn’t suit you! So as I sit here and gratefully contemplate the opportunity that I have been given to become the voice of the “style” column for Focus, I also realise this comes with a great responsibility.
With the rise of social media, filters and influencers to name just a few, there’s an unparalleled need to keep things real and support each other where we’re at right now.
We’ve all had a tough few years in one way or another, but I can definitely sense there’s positivity in the air again.
As summer sneaks into view and travel becomes more accessible again, we’re all looking forward with anticipation to the next few months ahead.
I can’t wait to share my expertise and passions with you as we explore the fabulous world of fashion, styling and life together!
Until next month… x