Consider this: Small businesses are the lifeblood of our Country and the heartbeat of our regional towns and without them, the landscape of our daily life would be a lot less interesting.
Imagine replacing your local friendly Barista, who sets the tone of your day with a smile and a chat, with a vending machine taking your money and spitting out a sub-par coffee with not even a Thank you to send you on your way.
Or maybe you need a new dress or a gift, and while the convenience of online shopping has its place, you simply cannot replicate the feeling of walking into a small business owned by locals who know your name and are genuinely excited to see you.
It’s true, we could survive without a personal barista, a local butcher, baker or boutique, but would we and our regions continue to thrive? I think not.
The ongoing challenge for small business though, is to remain relevant in an ever changing economic and social landscape. As towns grow, small businesses need to adapt and grow too.
Consider our small business for example. Meg + Me has been run by Ant and I for just over 12 years now, and as I scroll back through photos the changes and growth we have had over the years both astounds me and exhausts me! But in reality, that’s the journey you choose if you decide you want to be in small business.
Remaining relevant in a changing environment is essential to success in small business. I’ve often thought about the importance of thinking outside the square when it comes to business.
Yes, as a business Meg + Me may sell beautiful clothing, unique gifts and excellent coffee, but ultimately without all that we have four walls and what we choose to do within that space is limited only by our imagination (within reason!).
That’s why when I came up with the concept of using the space within our four walls to sell our customer’s preloved clothing (just for one day) it made so much sense! I have the space, there is an increasing awareness of the impact that unused fashion has on the environment and I was able to offer, on a small scale, a fun solution to a problem most of us have! Too many clothes…
Our first event was such a huge success, I have decided to do it again but this time it will be even bigger and even better. If you didn’t make it to the last event, you missed out!
Everyone who came had so much fun, most walked away with a new outfit or two and those who were sellers made some extra cash from clothing they weren’t going to wear again. It was win/win and an example of how as a small business owner, thinking outside the square really can help not only your business but the community you are part of.
While I have had a huge response to my callout for “Vendors” for our next event, if you are interested in taking part, please send me an email to thebossgirl@megandme.com.au and I will let you know if I have space for you to join this event as a seller.
So as far as good things coming in small packages goes, let’s watch our small space this month and put that to the test, once again!
We can’t wait to see you on Sunday 27 October between 8am and 1pm for our next Shop Takeover event.
Until then, Shop Small xx